Is your company one of the 30 Belgian companies making a difference towards a sustainable economy in 2030? Then, register now and have a chance to win the very first Changemakers award. Below, you will find the questionnaire. You can save your submission and finish it later by clicking ‘Save’ at the bottom. Good luck!

Log in or register to submit or complete your entry

General information

List of (all) contact person(s) *

First name Last name Email address Phone Action

Countries where the company operates *

Business characteristics

What is the size of your company in Belgium? *

What is your company's current annual turnover? *

What is your company's primary activity? *

In which sector(s) is your company active? *

Is your company independent, a joint venture, or a subsidiary? *

Changemakers input
Pitch your entry in a maximum of 500 words. This excerpt will be used as the pitch for the audience award.
Pitch your entry in a maximum of 500 words.
Pitch your entry in a maximum of 500 words.
Pitch your entry in a maximum of 500 words.
Pitch your entry in a maximum of 500 words.
Supporting documentation
File Description